Controlled Living Environment Agricultural Research (CLEAR)
Locations: Plant Science Bldg., Seed House, Biology Dept.-MDR#3
See the locations on a UK campus map.
312- Plant Science Bldg (PSB)
92- Seed house (SH), and greenhouses (154-164)
216- Biology Dept., MDR#3
Growth Chambers
The growth chambers in the PSB are located within a containment facility that was built according to APHIS recommendations. The containment facility is maintained under negative pressure and the exhaust from this facility is vented through HEPA filters. The drain water is autoclaved in a kill tank prior to its release. These features allow us to contain spread of transgenic seeds and pathogenic microbes.
Conviron MTPS-144 Walk-in Chamber
Conviron’s MTPS chamber provides a multi-tier chamber based on a modular platform. Pressurized and perforated side-wall plenums deliver air across each of three independently lit tiers integrated into fixed shelving banks on either side of a center aisle way.
Conviron PGV36, Walk-in Chamber
The PGV36 provides a walk-in platform that enables the researcher to observe and interact with experiments from an internal vestibule area located within the chamber itself. As such, this model lends itself to applications involving pathogen restriction, while the extended growth height ensures that most plants can be grown to full maturity within a moderate to high light regime.
MTR30, Reach-in
With 30 ft2 (2.79 m2) of growth area and 25 inches (635 mm) of growth height, the MTR30 is suitable for a range of applications including the growth of short to medium height plants that require moderate light intensity. The chamber has a low overall height for confined ceiling spaces.
E7/2, Reach-in
The E7/2 is unique in that it offers two independently controlled growth areas in a single unit - making this model ideally suited for applications where smaller experiments need to be conducted in different environments, all in a small footprint. Despite its limited footprint, the E7/2 offers over 23” (585mm) of growth height in each compartment and over 8.2ft2 (0.76m2) of total growth area.
E15, Reach-in
The E15 is similar to MTR30 but only contains one shelf and provides 15 ft2 of growth area.
Percival AR96-LED chamber
These chambers are specifically designed for plant growth light quality studies and other experiments requiring specific wavelengths of light.
Pradeep Kachroo
Pradeep Kachroo is a Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at University of Kentucky. His personal research program concerns how specific signaling pathways in plants are induced during host-pathogen interaction, how these pathways communicate with each other, and the molecular, genetic, and biochemical mechanisms underlying such regulations.
Phone: 859-218-0729
Keshun Yu, Senior Agricultural Research Specialist
Phone: 859-218-0786
Wendy Haven, Lab Manager
Phone: 859-218-0734
Walter Rhodus, Greenhouse Superintendent
Phone: 859-257-3039
Amy Crume, Greenhouse Manager
Phone: 859-257-7343