Awards & Other Significant Events
Dr. Rick Bennett, Professor, received the prestigious 2024 J. Roger Porter Award at the International Phytobiomes Conference held in St. Louis, MO during November. This award honors Dr. Bennett's longstanding leadership and dedication to the preservation of microbial collections, recognizing the critical role he has played in safeguarding these valuable resources. A guiding force in the United States Culture Collection Network since its inception, Dr. Bennett's dedication to the stewardship of microbial resources and academically developed resources is unmatched in the U.S.
Dr. Lou Hirsch, Assistant Professor, was presented with one of the the American Phytopathological Society's top teachng prizes: The Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Hirsch received this award for his unwavering committment to science education and the field of plant pathology. The award was presented to Dr. Hirsch at the National APS Plant Health meeting held in Memphis, TN during July, 2024.
Etta Nuckles, Agriculture Research Specialist, Sr., received the UK Staff Appreciation Award in December 2023. Ms. Nuckles, who is the lab technician and manager in Dr. Lisa Vaillancourt's lab, was the overall winner out of 500 nominees. Her exemplary service to the Department of Plant Pathology spans over 40 years.
Dr. Lou Hirsch, Assistant Professor, was presented with the Outstanding Teaching Award for exceptional teaching performance. The award, which was presented April 26, 2023, is given to a teacher who is innovative, inclusive, and committed to student success.
Dr. Aardra Kachroo is on leave from UK while she accepts a one-year appointment as the Program Director of Plant Biotic Interactions Physiological and Structural Systems at NSF (10/2023). Kachroo is a rotating IOS Program Director in the Physiological and Structural Systems Cluster.
Dr. Carl Bradley, Extension Professor, received the Mid-America CropLife Association (MACA) Educator of the Year award on September 10, 2019. The award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated significant contributions to American agriculture, especially in the MACA region, and has demonstrated evidence of consistency in educating the public on the value of production agriculture. Presenting the award is MCAA President Paul Edsten.
Ms. Madison McCulloch, Graduate Student, was the first-place recipient of the Graduate Student Research Award for her presentation at the 2019 Southern Division American Phytopathological Society meeting. Presenting the award in February is Nicholas Dufault, Associate Professor at the University of Florida. (Photo: Rodrigo Onofre, University of Florida, and Southern Division-APS Graduate Student Association)
Ms. Kimberly Leonberger, Extension Associate, was recognized as the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Extension Associate by the Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals (KASEP). Selection criteria included major program contributions, activities beyond specialty area, and special assignments/involvement. Presenting the award on April 13, 2018, are Dr. Nicole Gauthier, Associate Extension Professor and KASEP President, and Dr. Gregg Rentfrow, Extension Associate Professor and KASEP Awards Chair. (Photo: Steve Patton, UK)
Dr. Peter Nagy, Professor, received the 2016 Prestigious Paper Award at the Futures Lecture and Celebration of Land-Grant Research Program. Presenting the award is Dr. Rick Bennett, Associate Dean for Research in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. (Photo: Matt Barton, UK)
Dr. Nicole Gauthier, Extension Assistant Professor, was selected as one of the Top 25 Students, Staff, Faculty and Alumni within the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment that has contributed to the Empowerment of Women in 2016. (Photo: Cheryl Kaiser, UK)
Ms. Shirley Harris, Administrative Services Assistant Senior and Office Manager in the Department of Plant Pathology, received the 2016 College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Outstanding Staff Award in the "Office/Clerical-on campus" category. Presenting the award at Ag Round-up is Dr. Nancy Cox, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. (Photo: Matt Barton, UK)
Dr. Nicole Gauthier, Extension Assistant Professor, received the 2015 Outstanding New Extension Faculty Award at the 2015 KASEP (Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals) Awards Program on April 7, 2015, at Spindletop Hall in Lexington, Kentucky. Pictured also is Dr. Paul Vincelli, Extension Professor, who nominated her for this award. (Photo: Steve Patton, UK)
Dr. Pradeep Kachroo, Professor, received the Prestigious Research Paper Award from College of Agriculture Dean Dr. Nancy Cox at the Celebration of Land-Grant Research in November 2014. (Photo: Matt Barton, UK)
Dr. Peter Nagy, Professor, received the 2013 Bobby Pass Excellence in Grantsmanship Award at the November 18 Celebration of Land-Grant Research & Awards Program. Presenting the award is Dr. Scott Smith, Dean of the College of Agriculture. (Photo: Matt Barton, UK)
Dr. Said A. Ghabrial, Professor, is honored upon his retirement in December 2013. Presenting the gift is Dr. Christopher L. Schardl, Professor and Department Chair. (Photo: Cheryl Kaiser, UK)
Dr. Paul Vincelli, Extension Professor, is recognized for his Twenty Years of Service to Extension. The award was presented by Dr. Jimmy Henning, Associate Dean for Extension, at the Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals (KASEP) in March 2011. (Photo: Steve Patton, UK)