Research Facilities
Plant Science Building
The department is located in the Plant Science Building (dedicated May 2003). The 96,000-square-foot, four-story building houses laboratories, laboratory support rooms, controlled environment facilities for plant research, as well as staff and student offices, conference rooms, and Cameron Williams Lecture Hall. The building is shared with other MG-CAFE departments; Plant Pathology occupies space on the first and second floors. See the location of the Plant Science Building (#312) on a UK campus map.

Other Research Facilities
Research greenhouses and plant growth chambers are nearby. Additional greenhouses, as well as high tunnels, are located at the UK Horticulture Farm (South Farm).
Below, from left to right: On-campus greenhouses; Greenhouses at South Farm; High tunnels at South Farm.

Facilities for field research are available at the University’s experimental farms and forests: